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What We Believe . . .

1. The Bible Is Inspired by God

The Bible, both Old and New Testaments were given by inspiration of God and
constitute the only infallible authority for all matters of Christian faith & practice.

2. The One True God

Revealed in the three persons of the Godhead - the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost,
undivided in essence and co-equal in power and glory.

3. The Deity of the Lord Jesus Christ

In the virgin birth of the Lord Jesus Christ and that He is truly God and truly man,
His suffering, death, bodily resurrection, ascension into heaven
and His soon coming return to earth to establish His Kingdom.

4. The Fall of Man

Mankind was created in the image of God, free from all sin, then Adam and Eve sinned.

5. The Salvation of Man

Salvation comes through the shed blood of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

6. The Ordinances of the Church

Baptism by immersion in water as a witness to our true identification with Jesus Christ as our Saviour
and Holy Communion.

7. The Baptism in the Holy Spirit

8. The Initial Physical Evidence of the Holy Spirit

Speaking in a language that a Christian has never studied is the initial physical evidence of the baptism in the Holy Spirit.

9. Sanctification

The separation from evil and dedication to God and godly living.

10. The Church and Its Mission

The church is the body of Christ and it is called to fulfill it's fourfold mission.

11. The Ministry

The ministry of the Church is provided by our Lord for the fourfold purpose of leading the church.

12. Divine Healing

God supernaturally heals people because of the provision of Jesus Christ through His death, burial and resurrection providing Atonement.

13. The Blessed Hope

This is also known as the Rapture or calling away of all Christians living on the earth sometime near the time of the Great Tribulation.

14. The Millennial Reign of Christ

Jesus Christ will have a 1,000 year reign here on earth after the Great Tribulation.

15. The Final Judgement

All human souls are immortal, all bodies will be resurrected,
all people will be judged by God and rewarded or punished.
Non-believers will be assigned to eternity in hell and Believers to eternal life with God.

16. The New Heaven and the New Earth




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or write to: Calvary Life Church, 7102 Mardyke Lane, Indianapolis, Indiana   46226,

or call us at: (317) 547-4679, Ext. 427

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