The CSA achieves this with a powerful group of benefits assisting Christian Speakers in building Professional Speaking, Business & Marketing Skills.
Benefits of the Christian Speakers Association SM include:
1. CSA Membership Website
Your personalized CSA website identifies you as a
Member of your State CSA Speakers Association,
American Professional Speakers Association SM
and Christian Speakers Association SM
Click Here ~ View A Sample Web Page
We encourage all Members to link their personal Speaker website to their CSA Member website.
2. Education
Some of the Most Knowledgeable People in the Speaking Business
speak on our bridge-line "Conference Classes" events.
(Conference Classes are Seminars that are given over the telephone.)
The Conference Class, "7 Secrets of the Best Professional Speakers"TM is given FREE for our Members, except for long distance charges that apply to those who need to make a long distance call to attend.
If you have a suggestion for a Conference Class, please e-mail us with your suggestion.
3. Speaking Opportunities:
The CSA offers the services of Conference Classes to our Members, so you can teach tele-classes & tele-seminars at no cost to you.
Members Can Even Earn Profits by Teaching Conference Classes to Members & Guest !
If you have a presentation that would be of interest to other Professional Speakers be sure to let us know.
E-mail us about teaching your Conference Class Seminar !
...and you can even make money doing it !
4. Personal Promotional
Members have the opportunity to submit their tips & articles for other Professional Speakers that can be published in the
"The Professional Speakers News". This provides all our Members with more information on building their Professional Speaking Business & Skills.
This allows you as a Professional Speakers to share your insights with other Professional Speakers, while promoting yourself and your Professional Speaking Business.
5. Mentoring
A group of CSA Professional Speakers make up our "Mentored By The Masters" TM
This is an eGroup that provides unlimited eCoaching for other CSA Members.
"Mentored By The Masters" TM eCoaching is a way for Members to ask questions, get answers and acheiving the success they desire just by sending emails to:
6. Professional Coaching
The Speakers Coach TM, Gary Conner offers one on one Coaching Calls for Members.
This is an excellent opportunity to learn Professional Speaking & Business Skills.
Coaching session are focused on the "7 Secrets of the Best Professional Speakers"TM.
7. Leadership
Become an Officer at the Local, State/Regional & National levels. The Christian Speakers Association SM is always looking for leaders to help build new chapters.
If you're a Member who's interested in serving in leadership in the CSA e-mail us at:
Future Benefit
Our Instructional Audio Magazine: "Masters In Speaking"TM.
This Audio Magazine will contain excellent information on building your Speaking Skills & Business.
This is a new benefit that is scheduled to start in the future.
(It is our goal to continually improve the benefits to our Members.
Benefits will be changed from time to time as required by the CSA.
We will do our best to keep this website up date to reflect changes in our benefits.
Changes may be made by the CSA without prior notice.)