James Richard Conner

James Richard Conner

September 13, 1841 - November 11, 1923 ~ Age 82
Honoring Our Fathers

Conner Family Bar

This webiste is dedicated to sharing information about Conner who resided in North Carolina during the 1800-Present.

James Richard Conner was a farmer for most of his life. He was the son of Noah Conner and Harriet Castelow Conner. James Richard Conner served as a soldier during the American Civil War. He was originally enlisted as a Private in the First North Carolina Infantry, Company L for an enlistment of one year at age 19. James Richard Conner was listed in the "Roll of Honor of the 11th Regiment of the North Carolina Troop" in a resolution ratified by the General Assembly of North Carolina on December 20, 1861.

James Richard Conner fought at the Battle of Gettysburg under Lt. General A.P. Hill, who commanded the Third Corps of the Army of Northern Virginia. James was wounded in the thigh on the first day of the battle, July 1, 1863. The Army records list James Richard as among "...sick and wounded... in the hospitals in and about Gettysburg, Pa., after the battle of July 1, 2, and 3, 1863."

On October 23, 1863, at age 21, enlisted in the Army of the United States of America. His Army record of enlistment describes him as 21 years of age, five feet, six inches tall, light complexion, hazel eyes, and brown hair. The Army assigned him to serve in the First Regiment of the North Carolina Infantry, Company C. On February 1, 1864 James Richard Conner was promoted to the rank of Corporal.

He married Emeline Cale in 1864 while serving as a Corporal in the Army. Harriet served as a nurse in the Union Army at that time. She was born on December 21, 1841 to Duncan and Harriet Hoggard Cale. James Richard Conner and Harriet Cale Conner were blessed with eight sons and four daughters.

James Richard Conner and his wife, Harriet Hoggard Cale had twelve children:

Harriet Ann Conner [Aug. 10, 1865 - March 26, 1939]
James Duncan Conner [April 14, 1867 - Unknown]
Emeline Conner [Feb. 12, 1869 - March 17, 1948]
Mary Elender Conner [July 15, 1870 - June 6, 1943]
Noah Conner [July 30, 1872 - May 12, 1883]
Franklin Conner [July 11, 1874 - March 12, 1942]
Sabrina Conner [Nov. 14, 1876 - May 30, 1940]
John William Conner [April 12, 1878 - May 7, 1969]
Henry Garfield Conner [Nov. 13, 1880 - October 16, 1947]
George Whitfield Conner [Nov. 13, 1880 - September 20, 1953]
Howard Conner [April 22, 1883 - Unknown]
Greenfield Conner [April 22, 1883 - October 28, 1958]

James Richard Conner died on Veterans Day, November 11, 1923.

James Richard Conner also had a grandson named, James Richard Conner [August 30, 1912 ~ November 7, 2000].

This website was established by one of the great grandsons of James Richard Conner, Gary Conner to honor him and the Conner Family.

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The Conner Family
C/O Gary Conner
7102 Mardyke Lane
Indianapolis, Indiana 46226-1804
(317) 547-4679, Ext. 427

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